Especially Under Pressure!
The Mental Toughness Training Center
Motivational Keynote Speaker | Leadership Expert
Mental Toughness For Leaders & Athletes
June 15, 2017

Interview Tips for College Grads

Tracee Carrasco, Fox Business Network

Once you’ve landed a job, there’s one thing Fortune 500 executive advisor and author of The CEO of You Andrew Wittman said you must bring with you:

“Come in with an entrepreneurial mindset instead of an employee mindset. So, you want to come in and you want to play to win,” Wittman said.

June 15, 2017

A Marine’s 6-Step Plan to Getting Mentally Tough

There is a pretty simple reason that men who serve in the military have impressive physiques: If you are diligent and dedicated with your workouts, you are going to get stronger. The same is true about the training of your mind, but there are a lot of people spending hours in the gym while spending zero time building up their mental state. This realization inspired Marine veteran Andrew Wittman to take what he learned in the Corps and bring it to the rest of us, in the form of the Mental Toughness Training Center.

June 15, 2017

How To Take An Effective Leave Of Absence, Advice for CEOs

By Gordon Deal
​Executive Coach Andrew Wittman explains the right way to take a leave of absence.


For an official leave of Kalanick’s kind to be effective, the executive needs to do the hard mental and emotional work to rehabilitate themselves, and that’s never a quick fix...

June 11, 2017

A Marine who coaches Fortune 500 execs explains why setting goals is a ‘waste of time’

By Eames Yates

Combat veteran Andrew Wittman was an infantry Marine for 6 years...