Especially Under Pressure!
The Mental Toughness Training Center
Motivational Keynote Speaker | Leadership Expert
Mental Toughness For Leaders & Athletes
Testimonial 5
November 10, 2017
Testimonial 8
November 10, 2017

Testimonial 7

“Dr. Wittman was able to impact and even change lives during the two-day presentation. Staff members that suffer from low morale, not only from a work perspective, but in life, have been rejuvenated and inspired to find the best within themselves and to bring that to light. Even months after the presentation, the effect of Dr. Wittman’s information, presence and motivation remains. Not a week passes in which a staff member does not make a reference to a keyword or statement from the presentation… I strongly recommend that any organization consider Dr. Andrew D. Wittman as a speaker and presenter. He can impact change and position your organization to be the best it can be.”